St. Paul

United Methodist Church

Welcome to St. Paul United Methodist Church

We are dedicated to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

We are a church where we experience God in personal and community relationships, transforming our own lives and the lives around us.

All are welcome.  All belong and will be loved. All will be heard, respected, and engaged. All are free to develop their personal relationship with God.



Connect with other like-minded Christians in our community. Grow with us in faith and worship.


Are you in need of prayer or  counselling? Do you have questions?  We are here to help.

Belong, Believe and Transform

This Weekend
St. Paul UMC Church

St. Paul is a mid-size, multicultural congregation from more than 19 nations representing four continents.

We are proud of our diverse faith community committed to the way of Jesus Christ. We are committed to dismantling the walls that separate people from each other and God, including the walls of ignorance, racism, poverty and intolerance.

Recent Messages

H.U.M.P. Podcast

Listen to H.U.M.P.  podcasts with Ruby L. Thomas.  Ruby is a Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Hope, Encourager, Counselor, Lay Pastor, CADC.

Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Hope, Encourager, Counselor, Lay Pastor, CADC

Activities Changing Lives

human traffic protest

We are a church where we experience God in personal and community relationships, transforming our own lives and the lives around us.

community outreach luncheon
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