How to Get Involved

Are you looking to meet and get to know other members of the church? What about classes or resources to complement your Sunday worship experience? Involvement in small groups and volunteering for service are not only ways to connect with one another but also means by which you can grow your faith and deepen your relationship with God.

Why Should You Join a Small Group?

Small groups have been a part of Christianity, and Methodism in particular, since its beginning. Individuals connect and deepen their relationship with God and with others through involvement in small groups. It is in building trust and learning to care for one another that discipleship thrives. Small groups in the church form around a common interest or to learn about a particular topic and always with a common goal of growing as disciples of Christ.

What Small Groups Are Available at St. Paul UMC?

Our church community offers small groups in a variety of formats and styles. Whether it’s a short-term study or a longer commitment to a ministry group, members come together to support one another and facilitate spiritual growth. If you are looking for a small group, please contact us for help in making that connection.

Why Should I Volunteer and How Can I Do That?

Jesus tells us that whatever we do for those in need, we do for him. (Matthew 25:40). St. Paul UMC’s mission statement confirms that when we love God, we are called to serve people and allow God, through us, to transform the lives of others. Beyond the tangible, obvious outcomes of volunteering, research has identified several ways of spending time in service to others. Volunteers live longer, establish strong relationships, make positive changes to society, and feel a sense of purpose. Even connecting with people serving alongside you can benefit your social and career life as well. At St. Paul UMC, we offer numerous opportunities for volunteering both inside and outside our walls.


The needs within our congregation and church structure provide ample ministry opportunities. Committees, work groups and one-time projects consistently make a positive impact on each person here.


In addition to our own projects, St. Paul UMC partners with many outside organizations to extend our outreach to those around the region, country and globe. Some of those mission partners are:

For help in finding a service opportunity, please use our contact page to reach out to us.

“What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ” – Philippians 3:8