Faith in Action

Rev. Geralda Aldajuste’s Book Signing

Rev. Geralda Aldajuste book signing at Willingboro Library in NJ.
Rev. Geralda Aldajuste’s Book Signing
Rev. Geralda Aldajuste with attendees at book signing.

F.I.G.S. - Flourish Institute for Girls' Success

Teenage girls are in a mental health crisis. The Center for Disease Control reports that over half of all young girls are experiencing persistent depression and hopelessness. About 13% of female students in 2021 attempted suicide in the past year.

F.I.G.S. girls success
F.I.G.S. – Flourish Institute for Girls’ Success is a program that addresses mental wellness in young women by:

  • empowering them to embrace self-acceptance and develop self-esteem,
  • teaching them to use healthy coping skills to reduce the risk of self-harm, depression, anxiety, and suicide,
  • while offering a safe haven without fear of being stigmatized.

  • It’s unique approach includes comprehensive peer group leadership, peer to peer mentorship, individual and group counselling, life skills workshops, educational classes, and career exploration programs.

    F.I.G.S. meets two times a week, from 4 pm to 6 pm and is open to girls aged 12-18.

    Contact: Mrs. Thomas at or 609-840-3287 for more information.

    Assisting at the Camden Neighborhood Center

    Helping at the Camden Neighborhood Center

    Walk for Freedom

    Human Traffic Protestors

    Christmas Caroling

    St. Paul UMC Christmas Caroling